Among other things, we Americans are really
good at producing trash. We collectively produce a third of the world’s
garbage. 4.5 pounds of garbage, per person, per day. Economists find the amount
of garbage we produce to be one of the best indicators of our economic
“health.” More garbage production = a healthier economy. Beautiful. What do you think, Charlie?
But there is better news. While our per-person trash production is up roughly one pound per day since 1980, the percentage of that waste that gets recycled instead of dumped in the pile behind Charlie has climbed from roughly 10% in 1980 to roughly 35% today. If you do the math, you will realize that the increase in recycling has not reduced our waste, but only offset the increase. But still...
In the areas I haul, curbside recycling is paid for by the municipality. Yet my observation is that more than half of what we haul to the dump (i.e. to be burned or sent to landfill) is still recyclable. Here's a favorite image. I don't know how many of these I saw in the trash. Guides to recycling, printed on recycled and recyclable paper, sent out by the recycling company. What do you do with it? Why, throw it in the trash, of course!
(Statistics from the U.S. EPA. )
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Squirrels End Ranch
The first time down a particular alley I noticed a wooden arch over a doorway through a fence to a yard. On it was written,
“Squirrels End Ranch.” I imagined the people who would give that name to their property.
“This must be the gathering place for neighborhood fun and mayhem,” I
thought. I imagined youngish adults, maybe pre-kids or with little ones staying
up late on crisp fall nights with a bonfire, beer and smores. I smiled inwardly
at the image that formed in my mind. Fun loving, “squirrelly” people. This is
the story I wanted to imagine.
Then I tipped their can and out fell this:
I guess the sign was meant a bit more literally than I
In Greek mythology, the God associated with interpretation
was Hermes, the trickster (from his name comes the word in theology and philosophy for interpretation: hermeneutics).
Whether interpreting words, people, or events, interpretation is tricky…or
perhaps I should say, squirrelly.